Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Instagram Inspiration: Meet Juniper and Fig!

Instagram has created a unique chance to be part of anyone's life who wishes to share what they're up to. So, animals, whose owners happily share images of their pet, have become social media stars as well. The indisputable favourite of our family is a fox named Juniper - he has all the prerequisites of being a perfect Instagram star - a fluffy fox whose owner shoots cute images and video snippets that you can watch forever. 

A new member was recently added to Juniper's family - his name is Fig and he was rescued from a fox farm where he would have become part of a fur coat. Fig's destiny is food for thought - he was held in a small cage and both his paw and left eye have been hurt. People have donated money to get Fig's paw fixed up, and they're rooting for him. Juniper's Instagram account has also made me think about how differently people can be educated about wearing fur - you can tell them off and be angry, but a life of a fox that was saved, is a lot more thought provoking. 

Juniper is no doubt one of the best marketed foxes around, because every fan can purchase a painting that Juniper has made with his own paws. There's also a bottle with fox hair, a shirt with an image of the famous fox, and polaroid images (shop here). I'm convinced that my daughter would melt when she sees the photos, or the shirt, so I won't enlighten her with this info yet... How cute are the gifts that can be found from Juniper!

Our family has followed Juniper's account for a year, and those who want to get acquainted with the cutest fox in the world, here he is! This Instagram Inspiration is dedicated to Juniper, Fig, and other cute creatures their owner keeps. Which animal accounts do you follow? Share your favourite accounts in the comments section and keep an eye also on my account which you can find here.

Instagram on loonud ainulaadse võimaluse saada osa igaühe elust, kes vaid soovib maailmaga oma tegemisi jagada. Nii on sotsiaalmeedia staarideks tõusnud ka loomad, kellest omanikud meelsasti klõpse jagavad. Meie pere konkurentsitu lemmik on rebane nimega Juniper. Tal on kõik eeldused olemaks täiuslik Instagrami täht – koheva karvaga rebane, kelle perenaine filmib temast imearmsaid videolõike, mida võibki vaatama jääda. 

Hiljuti lisandus Juniperi perekonda veel teinegi rebane, kes kannab nime Fig. Ta päästeti rebasekasvandusest, kus temast oleks saanud lihtsalt üks lõik kasukast. Figi saatus paneb mõtlema – teda on hoitud väikeses puuris ja viga on saanud nii tema käpp kui ka vasak silm. Selleks, et käpake korda saada, on inimesed annetanud raha ja hoiavad Figile pöialt. Juniperi Instagrami konto on mind pannud mõtlema ka sellele, kui erinevalt võib meid karusnaha kandmise teemadel harida – inimesi sageli hurjutatatakse end karusnahaga ehtimise eest, kuid palju enam puudutab see, kui lihtsalt vaadata ühe päästetud rebase elu ja elada kaasa tema ulakatee tegemistele. 

Kahtlemata on Juniper üks kõige paremini turundatud rebane maailmas, sest iga fänn saab soetada endale maali, mille on Juniper oma käpakestega teinud, e-poes on müügil ka pudelike rebasekarvadega, särgid kuulsa reinuvaderiga ja mõistagi polaroidpildid. Ma olen veendunud, et mu tütar sulaks päris kindlasti nii fotode kui ka särgi peale, seega ma igaks juhuks ei valgusta teda selle netipoe infoga ... 

Meie pere on Jumiperi kontot jälginud tervelt aasta. Minu seekordne Instagram Inspiration on täieikult pühendatud Juniperile, Figile ja teistele vahvatele tegelastele, keda nende omanik peab. Milliseid loomadele pühendatud kontosid sina jälgid? Jaga oma lemmikumaid kontosid Stellariumi kommentaariumis ja hoia pilk peal ka minu kontol, mille leiad siit.


  1. Suurepärane, et minu lemmikrubriik on tagasi! Olen tänu Sulle palju kontosid hakanud jälgima. Juniperi jälgin juba päris kaua ja soovitan @piggyandpolly Mõtle vaid, milliseid summasid oskavad nutikad loomapidajad kokku ajada.

    1. Mu tütar on suur Piggy and Polly fänn. Tal on üldse palju ilusaid loomakesi, keda ta jälgib :)


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