Sunday, May 12, 2024

Peek Inside: Max Factor "Divine Lashes"

I can't recall the amount of times I've heard the saying ''The more expensive the mascara, the better it is.'' These past few years, my experience has been totally different. Because of my work as a beauty editor, I have access to a myriad of lavish mascaras and in 2023, the mascara that topped all of these pricey ones was none other than Max Factor's ''Divine Lashes''.

Merely the word divine is the best description for this mascara, but this isn't nearly enough to convince anyone to buy it immediately. I've also praised Max Factor's 200 mascara before, but comparatively, Divine Lashes has a more sophisticated applicator, which has a narrow brush in the middle and wider brushes on either side of the applicator. And this applicator has its own advantages - for example, applying mascara on your bottom lashes is so much simpler with the bigger applicator tip. With Divine Lashes, you can build longer and longer lashes.

Ten years ago I released my first Stellarium Beauty Box and thanks to this I've had the opportunity of browsing different beauty brand's newsletters - in order to put together the perfect Stellarium Beauty Box, naturally. Hundreds of these letters have given me a remarkable insight into the world of Estonian women's beloved products - Max Factor's mascaras have won their hearts and one of them is also my absolute favorite: Divine Lashes (price 17.99 €)
Some time ago I recommended this exact mascara to a good friend of mine and although she wasn't sure whether such an inexpensive one would do the trick, she called me a while after purchasing the waterproof mascara. Although she seemed to be thrilled, her story made me feel quite distraught. When she had finished catching me up to speed about the many things going on in her life, she finally got around to talking about the mascara. She said to me, sincerely: ''Stella, this is incredible. When you go to bed wearing it, the mascara isn't even clumped by the morning and once I even partied all night wearing it at a pool party. I hope you have a good New Years Eve!''.

I am obliged to remind you that it's still worth taking off your mascara, because leaving it on makes for the perfect breeding ground for an eye infection and very sensitive eyes later on.

Kui palju olen ma kuulnud ütlust, et mida kallim on ripsmetušš, seda parem ta on. Minu kogemus on juba mitmenda aastat täiesti teine. Kuna ma töötan ka ilutoimetajana, jõuab minu lauale palju kalleid ripmetušše ja sel aastal seljatas taaskord kõik need kallid brändid Max Factori  "Divine Lashes". 

Juba sõna divine ehk jumalik iseloomustab seda ripsmetušši kõige paremini, kuid see ei veena veel kedagi ostma. Olen varem kiitnud ka Max Factor 200 ripsmetušši, kuid erinevalt sellest on Divine Lashes ripsmetuššil keerukam hari, millel on keksel kitsam ja kahes otsas laiem harjas. Ja just sellel harjal on omad eelised - näiteks saad ripsmetušši harja otsaga alumised ripsmed ülilihtsalt ära värvida. Divine Lashes on ripsmetušš, millega saad endale aina suuremaid ja suuremaid ripsmeid ehitada.  

Kümme aastat tagasi andsin välja esimese Stellarium Beauty Boxi ja tänu sellele olen varsti juba kümme aastat lugenud erinevate naiste iluankeete - ikka selleks, et Beauty Box perfektselt kokku panna. Sajad kirjad on andnud mulle erakordse sisevaate Eesti naiste ilulemmikute maailma ja üks mida ma võin öelda, on see, et Max Factori ripsmetušid on naiste südamed võitnud ja üks nendest on ka minu konkurentsitu lemmik - Divine Lashes, millel hinnaks vaid 17,90 €   

Kunagi soovitasin oma sõbrannale just sedasama ripsetušši ja kuigi ta polnud kindel, kas nii odav oma töö ära teeb, helistas ta mulle mõni aeg pärast seda, kui oli ostnud endale "Divine Lashes" veekindla ripsmetušši. Kuigi tema oli sellega väga rahul, tegi ta jutt mind rahutuks. Kui ta oli 1000 ja üks muud uudist oma elust minuga jaganud, tuli ta tuši juurde. Ta ütles mulle siira rõõmuga: "Stella, see on suurepärane. Kui sellega magama minna, siis hommikul pole tušš ripsmetel ikka klimpis ja ühel basseinipeol sain sellega terve öö pidutseda. Head vana aasta lõppu!" 

Siinkohal tuletan meelde, et ripsmetušš tasub siiski maha võtta, sest see on hea taimelava silmapõletikule ja tulevastele tundlikele silmadele. 

PHOTOS: Senna Gansa

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